Hi Roberto,

We are checking your case.
You will receive an answer soon.

Thanks for your email.


On 10 Feb 2017, at 10:26, Roberto Nunziato <roberto.nunziato@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everybody, 

I am an Italian student and I am working with the RIPE Atlas Streaming API.
I am trying to replay events that have happened in the past, so I am using
the optional parameter endTime in the code below. 

Now, the stream starts at the specified time but it never ends.
Am I doing anything wrong? Is this a bug?

var socket = io(“https://atlas-stream.ripe.net:443” , {path: “/stream/socket.io”});
startTime = 1486256400 //05-02-17 h: 01:00GMT
endTime = 1486258200 //05-02-17 h: 01:30GMT
socket.emit(“atlas_subscribe”, {stream_type: “result”, startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime, msm: 1962548});

Roberto Nunziato