Processing RIPE Atlas data as Big Data
Dear RIPE Atlas users, I am studying the processing of the data collected by the probes as a Big Data problem. For instance, one hour of traceroute data count for 500 Mo (bzip2), so 7 Go of data in text format. Can you share with me how you deal with these data in practice. are you using a super machine, Big Data tools? best regards, Hayat
Hi, I assume you're referring to the daily dumps that we release here: There are a couple of things that I find are relatively slow to deal with on the command line: standard bzip2 tooling, and jq for json parsing. So I lean on a couple of other tools to speed things up for me: - the lbzip2 suite parallelises parts of the compress/decompress pipeline - GNU parallel can split data in a pipe onto one process per core So, for example, on my laptop I can reasonably quickly pull out all of the traceroutes my own probe ran: lbzcat traceroute-2018-07-23T0700.bz2 | parallel -q --pipe jq '. | select(.prb_id == 14277)' Stéphane has written about using jq to parse Atlas results on also: Happy to hear from others what tools they use for data processing! Cheers, S. On 21/07/2018 19:09, BELLAFKIH hayat wrote:
Dear RIPE Atlas users,
I am studying the processing of the data collected by the probes as a Big Data problem. For instance, one hour of traceroute data count for 500 Mo (bzip2), so 7 Go of data in text format. Can you share with me how you deal with these data in practice. are you using a super machine, Big Data tools?
best regards, Hayat
participants (2)
Stephen D. Strowes