Hi Bijal and all,
On 11 Oct 2018, at 15:24, Bijal Sanghani <bijal@euro-ix.net> wrote:
I’m a bit late to this and apologies for that, but having read and agree with a lot of the discussion I would like to make a suggestion:
The NomCom is selected randomly by whatever ‘name in the hat’ process, however to volunteer to be on the NomCom you must have been active in the RIPE community over the last x years by either attending y RIPE meetings or being active on a RIPE mailing list (or some defined criteria).
The NomCom review and select the candidate who is presented to the community to endorse or reject.
This keeps the process lightweight, open and removes the wgcc involvement, unless they want to put their name in the hat of course.
I have thought a lot about it since you posted it. And I really like the general spirit of this. The precise criteria can be discussed and fine tuned, of course. But the concept of selecting active community members for the NomCom is one that appeals greatly to me. Your proposal means that we can avoid simply expanding the job description of people already appointed to other positions. It distributes the responsibilities throughout the community which is generally a healthy thing IMO, and it is also in line with the spirit of inclusiveness, whilst also keeping the process lightweight. I like the direction this discussion is going! Thanks, Nurani
Regards, Bijal