Dear all,

Here's the meeting notes from our last call. 


*RIPE Requirements Database Task Force Meeting Notes*
15 June 2020

Attendees: Nick Hilliard, James Kennedy, Peter Koch, Sara Marcolla, Bijal Sanghani, Edward Shryane, Maria Stafyla, Boris Duval

1. Run through actions from last meeting

James followed up with Maxmind and other stakeholders about their usage of the geolocation attributes. The feedback he received confirmed that a lot of stakeholders are using this geolocation data for operational matters and that we could therefore consider geolocation as a secondary function of the RIPE Database. He also pointed out that best practices on how to manage this data would be useful. 

Maria started to look into different RIPE Policies (IPv4, IPv6 and AS Number) and will prepare an overview for the DBTF that also includes more information about historical data.

Boris and Sara shared that CERTs were using the data stored in the RIPE Database and didn’t plan to move it out. Sara proposed to survey CERTs to get a better understanding on how they are using this data. 

Boris analysed past RIPE NCC surveys and shared relevant highlights with the DBTF. He will send an email with his findings to the Task Force. James informed the group that results from the RIPE NCC survey and the DBTF survey directly overlap on areas for improvement, i.e. data accuracy (enforce data checks and validation), and ease of use (requests that the user interface could be improved were common, and there were also many comments suggesting improvements to search functionality). 

Nick followed up with the Routing Working Group and shared that although he received some feedback, it was not enough to decide what to do with RPSL. The DBTF agreed to look at the Internet Routing Registry instead of RPSL to widen the scope and help drafting more high-level requirements. 

2. Reminder of the DBTF’s Charter

3. Goals of the document

The DBTF Chairs (James, Bijal and Shane) agreed on goals to help and guide their work on the requirements document:

- Outline current functions of the RIPE Database

- Address common, overarching issues experienced by today’s users

- Define how changes should be made to the RIPE Database in the future


4. Next steps 

The DBTF will focus on refining the functions/requirements in the document with justifications and will try to identify overarching issues and suggestions where possible. The DBTF decided to pair up to facilitate this work and will divide the workload as follow:

 Provide registration information of Internet number resources - James, Peter

- Facilitating communication about usage of the resources. - Sara, Bijal

- Publishing routing policies by network operators (RIPE IRR) + The RPKI Database - Nick, Shane 

5. Confirm actions and next call

Maria will send an overview of the information she found in RIPE policies that will help the DBTF advance its work. 

Boris will send relevant data from past RIPE NCC Survey.

The DBTF will work on improving the draft document by working in pairs on a specific topic. 

The next DBTF call will take place on Wednesday, 1 July 2020.