Dear all,

Here's the meeting notes from our last call.

*RIPE Requirements Database Task Force Meeting Notes*
17 April 2020

Attendees: Nick Hilliard, Shane Kerr, James Kennedy, Peter Koch, Sara Marcolla, Bijal Sanghani, Edward Shryane, Boris Duval


1.     Review action points

Ed sent IRT statistics and the DBTF will now analyse them. 

Boris looked into interactivity options to use during the BoF and proposed to use Zoom polls. The DBTF agreed.

2. Preparation for remote RIPE meeting

The DBTF decided not to present at the DB-WG during RIPE 80 as they will give an update during the Community Plenary. 

    - BoF 
The DBTF decided to host their BoF on Wednesday, 6 May via Zoom. They will ask the PC if they agree to have the BoF outside of the RIPE 80 schedule.

The DBTF discussed which topics will be the most interesting to raise with the community at the BoF and mentioned IPAM, accuracy and personal information.

The DBTF also agreed to try to publish a first draft of the requirements document before the BoF, so that they can have time to discuss it with the community .

3. Next steps and actions

Each member of the DBTF will finalise its work on the first draft of the requirements document by next call.

Bijal and Boris will contact the PC to organise the BoF in the week before RIPE 80. 

4. AOB

There was no further business. 

5. Next call

The next DBTF call will take place on Tuesday, 28 April.