Dear all,

Here's the meeting notes from our last call. 


*RIPE Requirements Database Task Force Meeting Notes*
27 July 2020

Attendees: Boris Duval, Petrit Hasani, Nick Hilliard, Peter Koch, Bijal Sanghani, Edward Shryane, Maria Stafyla


1. Run through actions from last meeting
Ed sent information about the RIPE Database's language attribute. 
Maria sent an overview of relevant policies and procedures regarding the RIPE Database requirements. 

2. Presentation about ARCs
Petrit Hasani from the RIPE NCC gave a presentation to the task force about ARCs (Assisted Registry Checks) and answered their questions. 
Here are some of the takeaways from the discussion: 
ARCs participants are picked at random from a list of RIPE NCC members and these checks are mandatory. However, you can also volunteer to participate to an ARC. 
All ARC procedures were created by the RIPE NCC. 
ARCs can last between 5 min to 1 hour depending on members’ needs. 
ARCs are non-exhaustive checks of a member’s data, it helps members learn about policies and procedures. ARCs are not intended to make the RIPE Database 100% correct. 

3. Next steps
The task force will continue to work on the requirements document and plan a longer review session after the summer holidays. 
The task force will review Maria’s document on relevant policies and procedures. 
Petrit will send more information and statistics about ARCs.

4. Confirm actions and next call
The next call will take place in September.