Hi all,

Here's the meeting notes from our last call. 



*RIPE Requirements Database Task Force Meeting Notes*
5 May 2020

Attendees: Nick Hilliard, Shane Kerr, James Kennedy, Peter Koch, Bijal Sanghani, Maria Stafyla, Boris Duval

1. Run through action points

2. BoF Planning 
Bijal prepared a presentation for the BoF, the rest of the Task Force provided feedback on the presentation and approved it.
The DBTF worked on the different polls that will be displayed during the BoF about IPAM, RPSL, Geolocation and IRT and fine-tuned the questions. 
The DBTF agreed on publishing the recording and minutes of the BoF on ripe.net for community members that are unable to attend the session. 

3. Review draft document text
The DBTF discussed whether or not to send the current draft text about the RIPE Database purpose and its usage to the community before the BoF. 
After weighing the different pros and cons, the DBTF agreed to send the rough draft as plain text to the relevant mailing lists as it will allow BoF participants to provide feedback. 

4. Next call
The next DBTF call will take place shortly after RIPE 80.