To whom it may concern, please help us share this message widely among the Ukrainian
internet community.

The Dutch Cloud Community offers technical assistance to the Ukrainian hosting and
cloud industry to help them continue their operations during the attack on their nation.
The hosters and cloud providers from the Netherlands acknowledge the extreme hardship
of our Ukrainian colleagues. As a community, we passionately believe in a free and open
internet, and we want to offer our help to keep the Ukrainian internet safely up and
running during these dark hours. 

Effective immediately, Ukrainian hosting and cloud companies, local and national
governments and IT companies are invited to submit requests for assistance through the
email address:

Our members collectively are offering a variety of services at no cost for the requester:
backups, virtual servers, hosting of websites, mail services, DDOS protection, IPv4 space,
Discord services, datacenter services and a range of other services. Just contact us and
we’ll coordinate the requests among the Dutch companies that have offered to help.
Important to know: we will offer our services to the best of our ability, but we can and will
not assist you in setting up offensive activities. For instance, do not ask us to coordinate
DDOS attacks or hacking of sites. We will not allow any spam / scanning activities or
hosting of malware or other criminal activities and will act upon this if noticed.

We want to help you keep your businesses operating, and we want to help information
flow freely. 

Incoming requests will be evaluated on technical and safety requirements, and then
spread among the participating companies in our community.

We invite you to contact us and submit your requests for assistance, we are ready to start
working to help you with your operation.

A reminder of the email address we have created: Do
not hesitate to submit requests, however large or small.

On behalf of the Dutch Cloud and Hosting community, wishing you all the best at this
difficult time in your country’s history

Simon Besteman
Director Dutch Cloud Community