Peter, On Oct 15, 2012, at 6:52 AM, Peter Koch wrote:
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 11:11:39AM +0100, Jim Reid wrote:
A charter needs to be suitably vague to allow for flexibility. In the
the charter also needs to be sufficiently clear to convey a general idea of overlap and distinction between the WGs, not the least because there is a finite amount of meeting slots. I'd generaly think that there ought to be a WG when there's enough (new) inetrest, but to me it is not yet clear what actual work/community building is to be done in that open source WG and Olaf's question re: DNS software, for one, is more than justified.
Just to add to Ondrej's answer: Yes, DNS is definitely of high interest to the community. However, there is already a WG dedicated to DNS, so we thought it doesn't make sense to cover DNS in two WGs. So, yes, in some kind of way, we excluded DNS from the charter (for now). But we are open for discussion. - Martin Winter