Hi all,

We will hold a BoF on Tuesday evening at RIPE86 about hot topics in the IETF. 

In this session, we will provide an overview of new and on-going technical work and discussions in the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) as well as new and hot topics in the IETF.

The meeting will be held in the Main Room (agenda to be updated), and the time is 17:30-18:30. 

Example topics that will be covered include:

- DNS: Useful error codes, finally? And probing which encrypted DNS protocols are available
- IPv6: Registering SLAAC addresses in DHCPv6?
- The environment: Can standards organizations reduce the environmental impacts of the Internet?
- QUIC: What extensions are being actively worked on?
- TLS: Removing the last piece of visible metadata with encrypted ClientHello?
- Encrypted networks: Can we manage them?
- New work: New WG on time-variant routing & others

We look forward to discussions on these topics and other topics of your interest!

Also feel free to approach us before or after the session by email or in-person with any further questions about the IETF and the work work of the IETF!

See you soon!

Mirja Kühlend (IAB Chair), Warren Kumari (OPS AD), Éric Vyncke (INT AD), Jari Arkko (former IAB member)