Dear colleagues, The deadline for comments for the draft document “RIPE NCC Staff Participation in the RIPE Community” [1] ended. Many thanks for all the comments sent to the RIPE list. There was a lot of support for the document, especially for the principle that RIPE NCC staff are part of the RIPE community. It is great to see that RIPE NCC staff is welcome and valued by community members. There were some suggestions to explicitly allow RIPE staff to take on certain community roles. Other community members disagreed and cautioned that this could lead to conflict of interests. Hans Petter Holen clarified that there are also RIPE NCC internal guidelines for staff. There were no concrete suggestions for changes in the document. I believe that the current version is ready for adoption and publication as a RIPE Document and would like to confirm this. This is therefore a LAST CALL for comments, to expire on Monday 10 July at 06:00 UTC (08:00 Amsterdam time). Unless there are some substantial comments, I look forward to declaring consensus and arranging publication shortly after that. Kind regards, Mirjam Kühne RIPE Chair [1] RIPE NCC Staff Participation in the RIPE Community