Hi José, Hi List,

we are currently encountering the same 'issue'. We recently received a new ASN
which previously had been assigned to another LIR within RIPE-Region.

Our ASN is also referenced in several other AS-SETs (including some Russian providers),
which we never had any business relation with. We tried to contact them multiple times
in order to get our ASN removed from their macros, however, without any success.

While this is the way how the RIPE-DB currently works, there are some possible
improvements which might be worth to be discussed within the DB-WG;

1) RIPE should remove all macro references if an ASN is returned to the their pool
2) Ability for LIRs to remove unwanted macro references for their ASNs themselves
3) Authorization for referencing ASN’s/AS-SET's in macros (probably not a good idea)


Mit besten Grüßen
Kind Regards

Dominic Schallert, BA

schallert​.com e.U. | Hauptstraße 35b, 6800 Feldkirch, Austria
FN: 440372g  | UID: ATU66209211 Gerichtsstand: Feldkirch
Tel.: +43 680 146 1947 | Fax: +43 134 242 642 616

www.schallert.com  | office@schallert.com

Am 30.10.2018 um 15:27 schrieb José Manuel Giner <jm@ginernet.com>:

Hi, we checked that our AS is present in the macro: AS24748:AS-THINX
(they have thousands of AS in their macro)

After contacting atman.pl who is responsible for this macro, they tell me:

> It appears that AS59432 is contained in one of our customers AS-SETs and
> it is automatically added to our AS-SET AS24748:AS-THINX
> As soon as they remove AS59432, it will disappear from AS24748:AS-THINX

We have asked him how we can find out who that customer is. But their answer doesn't give us any information.

> Please be kindly informed that our macros are being built automatically
> according to our customers` macros. If your AS happens to be removed
> from whichever of our customer`s macros, ours is to be changed accordingly.

We are concerned about this situation and do not know how to proceed.

Thank you for your help!

José Manuel Giner

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