Dear colleagues,

Here's a short overview of our upcoming training courses. As always, we have webinars lined up. These online sessions are between 1-2 hours long and are open to all and free. You can join us for:
11 June: Webinar for New LIRs
12 June: IPv6 Associated Protocols Webinar

You can find more details and register at:

We would like to thank our training course hosts - the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Netherlands - for helping us offer in-person training courses in Barcelona (Spain), Limassol (Cyprus) and The Hague (The Netherlands). We invite RIPE NCC members in the region to register for these courses using the link above.

Call for Training Course Hosts
We are currently seeking hosts for our upcoming training courses taking place in July and September 2024. By hosting a training course, your organisation can register additional attendees and contribute towards capacity building efforts in your area.

Our courses are planned to take place in:
- Oslo, Norway
- Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Vilnius, Lithuania
- Valletta or St. Julian's, Malta

You can read more about the requirements to host a training course here:

If you are interested in hosting a training course, please get in touch with us at, preferably before 10 June 2024.

Kind regards,

Olivia Mijnals-Ruimwijk
Training Coordinator