Dear colleagues,


The RIPE Accountability Task Force has been examining the structures, 

processes and documentation of RIPE to ensure that we:


-  Are accountable to ourselves as a community

- Can explain this to newcomers

- Can demonstrate this to outside observers


At RIPE 76, we will give a brief update on the status of our work during the Monday afternoon plenary.


Following the plenary, there will also be an accountability BoF on Monday evening in the side room. There, we will lead a guided discussion to collect feedback on some of the points the task force has been looking at:


1. RIPE community values

2. Consensus in RIPE

3. The role of Chairs

4. Capture

5. Preserving community norms over time (as people retire and 

demographics change)


We invite you to attend the BoF and give us your input. We will use this as we work to publish our draft report to the community after the summer period.


It's worth reiterating that the task force has no intention of becoming a working group or any other kind of permanent structure within RIPE.


You can find more information on the task force here:


We look forward to seeing everyone at RIPE76 next week.




William Sylvester, Chair