Hi Daniel,

Thanks for taking the time to read the minutes and the draft documents.

Just to clarify: theses two documents will be published as RIPE documents shortly including all the necessary meta data. They will then disappear from the folder marked Draft and Discussion Files.

I take your point though that even temporary draft documents should be complete with list of authors etc.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 16:52, Daniel Karrenberg <dfk@ripe.net> wrote:

On 9 Apr 2021, at 9:37, Mirjam Kuehne wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> The RIPE Working Group Chairs met in March to discuss recommendations
> for possible changes to the RIPE Policy Development Process. …


Thank you for sharing this meeting summary.

I have looked at
This is another example of a bad habit we have gotten into. In Rob’s
time the RIPE community has only discussed documents that said clearly

- Who had written the text,
- on Whose request,
- for What purpose, and
- When it had been written, released or published.

Referring to documents without this basic information and discussing
them is a bad habit. It is easily perceived as not transparent. The
‘WWWW’ information is also essential for understanding and
discussing any text.

My advice to the community in general and the Chair in particular is to
insist that all documents we discuss in the context of RIPE have this
