On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 08:52, Nigel Titley via ripe-list <ripe-list@ripe.net> wrote:
Although I have absolutely no doubt that RIPE NCC employees are in
general capable of splitting their community and work hats, for the sake
of the appearance of things they should avoid even the appearance of
conflict of interest.

Following on from my previous comment, I think it would be better to focus on avoiding *actual* conflicts of interest. I think worrying about appearances is what happens when there is a lack of understanding of the substance and, in the case of managing a useful and productive collaboration between the community and NCC-as-secretariat, the substance seems important.

If the goal is to avoid a need for understanding, then it seems like the natural solution is that NCC staff should never be allowed to participate as members of the community at all. I don't think that is necessary or desirable.
