I definitely concur with the suggestion of passing a transfer policy.

It provides much autonomy which is crucial in the current circumstances. Freedom of choice is very important especially now that the discussion has ramped up and more uncertainties are coming from AFRINIC. It is about time that we allow those willing to scale and assess the risks to just do so. Right?

Moreover, a more capable registry can provide better service possibly along with lower fees and even a more stable governance. With better resource handling, all these benefits can be enjoyed by users. Isn't that what is important?


On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 8:39 PM Andrew Alston via Community-Discuss <community-discuss@afrinic.net> wrote:
It is my (personal) view that AfriNIC board should exercise their powers and pass a transfer policy.

Let those who wish to run the risks of staying with AfriNIC through this situation do so - let those who choose not to accept the risk profile transfer out - problem solved.

It is entirely within the boards powers to pass emergency policy which the community can revoke at the next pdp should they wish to do so - and if AfriNIC has the support claimed by members of this list there is absolutely zero risk in this approach.

Furthermore - such an approach would also remove the possibility of other legal action which may be taken against them on grounds removed from the current legal situation

I remind everyone that AfriNIC has a duty to act in the interests of its members - and AfriNIC has repeatedly stated in the press - and has been echoed by various ISP associations that there is risk here - it should therefore stand that AfriNIC provide members with a way to mitigate said risk if it is within their powers to do so
Again - a personal view - and again - I explicitly will not comment on the merits or demerits of this case - since I believe that the legal system should run its course and be the final arbiter of what is correct in this situation.  In fact I find the amount of legal posturing on this list to be nothing short of bizarre - let the courts do their work - but let members mitigate their risks as they see fit


From: Taiwo Oye <taiwo.oyewande88@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 1, 2021 3:00:32 PM
To: Paul Wollner <paul.wollner@africaoncloud.net>
Cc: arin-discuss <arin-discuss@arin.net>; secretariat <secretariat@nro.net>; Community Discuss <community-discuss@afrinic.net>; apnic-talk <apnic-talk@lists.apnic.net>; ripe-list <ripe-list@ripe.net>; Members Discuss <members-discuss@afrinic.net>
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Call for AFRINIC’s registry service migration to other RIRs
Good day all,

I think paul made some sense in his first statement (tho the statement has been watered down now).

If afrinic is in a financial fix or in a state where it is tending towards a financial situation where it can no longer perform its duties, it is only right to start weighing all viable options to keep the registry afloat. 
Paul made a suggestion - tho a bit aggressively - about the NRO coming to save the region. 
I will like the community to see this as “option 1”. 

Does any other community member have any better suggestion in the (not so likely) situation that afrinic does not have the financial capability to carry out its duties?

If so, please lay them out for discussion amongst the community members. 

If not, Option 1 remains the only alternative to cushion the effect of the financial breakdown. 

That being said. I think we should think in the direction of way forward and have a plan ready rather than crucifying Paul for being proactive. 

On Aug 1, 2021, at 11:01, Paul Wollner <paul.wollner@africaoncloud.net> wrote:

Hello community

I think I  misused the word “take over” to spike some unfortunate sentiments.

Let me try this again:
In the interest of internet continuity, another RIR should help AFRINIC (by staff or infrastructure), to perform it’s core registration service function for the time being, until all AFRINIC litigation has been sorted to avoid disruption to our African end users and businesses.


---- On Thu, 29 Jul 2021 23:38:32 +0200 Paul Wollner <paul.wollner@africaoncloud.net> wrote ----

Apologies for the duplicate post, but the initial posting was too large. 

The concerns expressed by TISPA, as well as other concerned parties and especially by AFRINIC's  own admission in the news outlet lexpress.mu, which is available at https://ibb.co/tmWCk0k, regarding the AFRINIC’s inability to keep providing its core registry functions due to its inability to meet its financial requirements.

I suggest that in order not hold end users, ISPs and any other business's hostage, for the interest of continue service of AFRINIC’s core registry service, we should urgently call for NRO fulfil their responsibility as well as commitment to the global internet to take over AFRINIC’s registration service for the time being, until litigation is settled some time later. (https://www.nro.net/accountability/rir-accountability/joint-rir-stability-fund/)

That way, no end user or business will ever impacted however results come out of litigation.

Paul Wollner

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