+1 "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". 

The NRO's Joint Stability Fund was literally set up to guarantee the continued operation of an RIR in case of an emergency, and for an RIR to no longer have access to its bank accounts is obviously one. Otherwise how will AFRINIC maintain its payroll and maintain its services to serve the African Internet stability? 

It really baffles me how some people are so convinced that anything that differs from their usual opinion means that it's wrongful. There is no shame in asking for help. What is shameful is to know that help is needed and pretend that it's not in order to save one's pride. There's a system in place, so why not use it until AFRINIC gets back on its feet? I don't want to see our Internet registry get destroyed and I don't want to suffer from the consequences, and I doubt anyone in this community does.

Best regards,

On Thu, 29 Jul 2021 at 22:13, Paul Wollner <paul.wollner@africaoncloud.net> wrote:
The concerns expressed by TISPA, as well as other concerned parties and especially by AFRINIC's  own admission in the news outlet lexpress.mu, which is attached to this email, regarding the AFRINIC’s inability to keep providing its core registry functions due to its inability to meet its financial requirements.

I suggest that in order not hold end users, ISPs and any other business's hostage, for the interest of continue service of AFRINIC’s core registry service, we should urgently call for NRO fulfil their responsibility as well as commitment to the global internet to take over AFRINIC’s registration service for the time being, until litigation is settled some time later. (https://www.nro.net/accountability/rir-accountability/joint-rir-stability-fund/)

That way, no end user or business will ever impacted however results come out of litigation.

Paul Wollner

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