
I am glad you found my brief suggestion useful and thanks so much for including it in the report. 
I understand the time constraints and am at your disposal if you want to do this kind of research in the future. It doesn't have to be too elaborate, we can use a brief survey or a couple of interviews as the first step. 


On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 3:21 PM Daniel Karrenberg <chair@ripe-nomcom.org> wrote:

Welcome! Thank you for your thoughtful contribution. It is more than
appropriate and I appreciate it. With your permission I will include
your thoughts in the draft of the NomCom final report. The main purposes
of that report are to identify areas for improvement, to make
suggestions for changes and to serve as a guide for the next NomCom.

As Randy suggested it would be excellent if serious research was done on
the questions you list. I intend to either perform or instigate some
research in this direction when I find the time and before the final
report is completed. Of course it would be better to do it sooner as
people’s memories tend to fade. Unfortunately I have no time to spare
for this right now. So, personally, I welcome initiatives in this



PS: I have the impression that you misunderstood Randy’s directness as
lack of politeness or bad form. I interpreted it as a constructive
suggestion. We all have to be aware that such different interpretations
can happen in a community as divers as RIPE, however hard we try to
avoid them.


On 14 Dec 2019, at 16:58, farzaneh badii wrote:

> Daniel,
> I think Sasha's point is important. You have a valid argument that few
> applied despite your outreach and effort. However, is it possible
> within
> the current procedures to find out the reasons they didn't apply? Did
> they
> get the communications? Do they not have enough resources and time to
> take
> part? Do they know and understand the importance of the role? And so
> on.
> If  we can find out the reasons they didn't apply and if the issues
> they
> mention can be solved with some preparation (not impractical solutions
> though!), then you can prepare for the next Nomcom with additional
> insights.
> Just a thought. This is my first email to this list, I have no idea
> who has
> posting rights, so apologies if I am jumping in undeservedly.
> Farzaneh