I’d hope that this could be addressed as Warren outlines (or similar) for the reasons he’s outlined.








Mr Michele Neylon

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From: ripe-list <ripe-list-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Warren Kumari <warren@kumari.net>
Date: Tuesday, 7 May 2024 at 09:26
To: Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl>
Cc: RIPE List <ripe-list@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [ripe-list] Sander's resignation from the ASO AC

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On Mon, May 06, 2024 at 7:39 AM, Sander Steffann <sander@steffann.nl> wrote:

Hi everybody!


I got some questions about this, so let me explain.


Me having to resign from the NRO-NC / ASO-AC is because I am running for the RIPE NCC Executive Board later this month. To be eligible as a candidate I have to sign a statement that includes things like committing to follow the code of conduct, declaring that I never committed fraud etc. All good. But it also includes a statement (4.7) where I have to declare that I am not a member of the ASO AC.


So, even to run for the board, I had to resign.



This seems… unfortunate. 


I can understand why it would be a conflict for someone to serve in both of these roles *at the same time*, but it seems perfectly reasonable for someone in a position like your to declare that, if elected, they would step down from the ASO.



I did have a look to see if I could figure out what the history of this is, but wasn't able to. Do we know if this was simply a corner case which was overlooked, or was there discussion (e.g preventing disruption, not wanting a small cohort of people swapping roles, preventing weird gaming, etc)?





Independent of the actual outcome. So here we are…


This has put me in an awkward position. The ASO AC is working in very important things right now, and I feel that I’m making a contribution there, but I’m forced to resign. Therefore, I have promised the ASO AC that I will stay involved as an observer (the meetings of the ASO AC are public! Please make use of that!) and that I’ll stay active as a volunteer/advisor/whatever they need.


And if I don’t get elected, I will definitely run for the ASO AC again!



Sander Steffann



for every complex problem, there’s a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong

Op 6 mei 2024 om 08:57 heeft herve.clement@orange.com het volgende geschreven:

Dear all,


I confirm that the ASO AC has recently received the formal resignation from Sander Steffann and has taken note of it.

The Council is now comprised of 11 members (out of the 15 initial ones: there are currently no representatives from the AfriNIC region).

Our Operational Procedures had been amended last November and the ASO AC is able to fulfil its functions with the remaining councilors.


Constanze and I will be happy to present the Council activities during our next RIPE meeting in Krakow, and answer your questions.


Looking forward to seeing you very soon (in-person or remotely).


Best regards



ASO AC Chair  



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