Hi all,

We need competent people to serve on the ICANN NomCom and we know there are plenty of experienced, sensible, good people in the RIPE community! 

So please put your name forward if you think you’d be willing to volunteer. But please also think about nominating someone else. If you want to find out more about the NomCom work, please feel free to approach Hervé, James or me and we’d be happy to give you more information.

You can also read more about the NomCom here:


Kind regards,

On 22 Jun 2021, at 10:45, Ulka Athale <uathale@ripe.net> wrote:

This reminder is sent on behalf of the Number Resource Organization
Please note that the call for nominations for candidates to be the ASO delegate for the ICANN NomCom 2022 will close on Sunday, 27 June.  

The full announcement can be found on the NRO website:

ASO Secretariat


Ulka Athale
Senior Communications Officer