INRs War (was: Call for AFRINIC’s registry service migration to other RIRs)
{remove arin-discuss, as it has been closed} {apologies for ×-posting} Dear all, Please see my comments below, inline... Le vendredi 6 août 2021, Noah <> a écrit :
Shalom Sylvain,
Shalom Noah, Thanks for your email, brother.
On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 2:13 PM Sylvain Baya <> wrote:
{apologies for crossposting} Dear RIPE-Lister,
Hope you are well.
Please see my comments below, inline...
Le mar. 3 août 2021 à 10:07 AM, Daniel Karrenberg <> a écrit :
On 2 Aug 2021, at 20:45, Randy Bush wrote:
ignore the lies and escalation. it is just designed to create doubt and confusion.
Time and space has a way of revealing the truth.
Could not agree more.
Hi Daniel, Thanks for your email, brother.
...this is an *INRs War*. it's no more only about few/full lies.
It seems as AfriNIC is just the first step...
No kidding, inlight of the so-called Number Resources Alliance which I 100% is backed by IPv$ brokers for Larus at the front line.
Of course! ...i may be naive! but what i read seems to be clear for me. Hope to have more reaction from the entire Internet Numbers Registry Community. This [1]article seems to share evidence that AfriNIC is not the first target, by that kind of behaviours. __ [1]: Concerns Grow As AFRINIC’s Funds Are Frozen Over IPv4 Dispute, by Doug Madory, Director of Internet Analysis, AUGUST 06, 2021 < -are-frozen-over-ipv4-dispute/> ~°~ [...] In 2019, the Department of Justice indicted <> a man in South Carolina for fraudulently obtaining over 700,000 IPv4 addresses from North American registry ARIN estimated to be worth between “$9,850,880 and $14,397,440.” In a Lightning Talk <> at LACNIC in 2018, Etienne Sharp <> blamed “ghost companies” for spiriting into Latin America, setting up virtual offices to obtain precious IPv4 address space at little cost, and then proceeding to use the address space outside the LACNIC region. Russian security company DDoS-Guard (aka Dancom) was one of those ghost companies <> in Etienne’s presentation, and earlier this year, LACNIC revoked its right <> to use the address space it obtained from Belize. [...] ~°~
This guy quotes his very own comment on Rob
Blokzijl’s obituary and puts his own words in the mouth of Rob who cannot do anything about it anymore. He even puts this ‘quote’ in the charter of his new anti-RIR club. Distasteful. A disgrace.
...from the home page of the NRA:
"RIR is just a bookkeeper"
What they don't know is that an RIR like AFRINIC does more than just the registry services even though Lu Heng our of ignorance mistakenly thinks the RIR is a bookkeeper like wannabe mini-RIR Larus.
...kind of! but a top-down one, calling to build an anonymous community; which would let them take all *good* decisions on their behalf. Could they follow the global policies [2] :'-( __ [2]: <>
1. AFRINIC for instance is involved with a number of other activities
- Internet Number Resources Management - Resource Certification Program (RPKI)
<> <>
- Internet Routing Registry (IRR) - DNSSEC Program - WHOIS Services
& good statistics: <> ...such as: <> <> <> <> ...
- Training Services in Collaboration with NOG's
• *HelpDesk* [3] to freely support Deployment Operationalization (DO) within the AfriNIC service region.
- Online Services - DNS Support Program - Root Server Copy Programme - Services like
2. AFRINIC carries out Research for the benefit of wide membership like:
- Internet Technical Infrastructure - Internet Access - Internet Policy and Governance - Internet Resilience - Internet Standards and Protocols - Internet Measurement results of their efforts: <> <> <> <> <> ...
3. AFRINIC providers Fund for Internet Research and Education and other Internet initiatives across AFRICA.
4. AFRINIC supports Internet Exchange Points across AFRICA
...including through CPM section 5.6.4 [4]: ~°~ [...] 5.6.4 PI Assignments to critical Infrastructure AFRINIC will make End-User assignment to critical infrastructure providers of the Internet such as public internet exchange points and core DNS service providers. [...] ~°~ ...
*Does LARUS Limited and its Larus Foundation have such capabilities? or any IPv$ broker out there.?*
...if you asked me! i would have pointed you to a definition of a *network* [5], in Internet routing [6] & LIR contexts... __ [3]: Helpdesk - or [4]: <> [5]: < 3,communicate%20with%20each%20other> " 3a: [...] b: a system of computers and peripherals that are able to communicate with each other " [6]: A-Z Glossary – APNIC <> ~°~ Network An international network providing public correspondence services (when used in the formal sense as defined in Section 4.17 of ITU-T Rec. E.164 (05/97)). ~°~ EN - < REC-E.164-201011-I!!PDF-E&type=items> ~°~ 4.13 Network Internationally interconnected physical nodes and operational systems operated and maintained by one or more ROAs to provide public telecommunications services. Private networks are not included in this definition. Note that the use of capital "N" in Networks indicates that this definition applies. ~°~ ROA = Recognized Operating Agency ...i think these definitions allow me to expect at least one ASN to define the boundaries of the network of certain LIRs spanning multiple regions...unless, i'm understanding nothing :'-( Shalom, --sb.
Cheers, Noah
-- -- Best Regards ! __ baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<> Subscribe to Mailing List: <> __ #LASAINTEBIBLE|#Romains15:33«Que LE #DIEU de #Paix soit avec vous tous! #Amen!» #MaPrière est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement «Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme soupire après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)
participants (1)
Sylvain Baya