Dear colleagues, The RIPE 76 Meeting in Marseille came to a successful end last Friday. I'd like to thank all of you that took part in the meeting on site and remotely. It was the biggest RIPE Meeting ever with 737 attendees checked in from 57 countries (and 200 of those first-time attendees). Notable highlights of the meeting week included awarding Wilfried Woeber the first Rob Blokzijl Award during the RIPE 76 Dinner, a successful pilot of on-site childcare for our parent attendees and another filled-to-capacity Women in Tech Lunch. Read the meeting report here: Archives of all the meeting's presentations are online: If you were at the meeting, please take a few moments to take our very short feedback survey: RIPE 77 will take place in Amsterdam from 15-19 October 2018: See you there! Best regards, Hans Petter Holen RIPE Chair
participants (1)
Hans Petter Holen