RIS Statistics Report (20041011-20041018) This report was generated at Mon Oct 18 00:15:01 UTC 2004. It analyses the BGP Routing Tables which are collected by RIS Remote Collectors at different locations around the world. Check http://www.ris.ripe.net/weekly-report/ for more info. o Prefix Distribution RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 APNIC 28890 28598 26896 27457 28240 27854 20117 27188 28124 27560 27618 28053 ARIN 61442 61244 57122 59528 60959 60172 28688 61122 60041 59816 59855 60526 LACNIC 6425 6424 5892 6343 6412 6383 4482 6391 6368 6367 6367 6367 RIPE NCC 26382 25670 19359 23822 25662 24131 20068 23989 24422 23978 24102 24579 OLD 32380 32134 28314 30418 31576 31152 17135 31678 30793 30498 30595 30886 IANA 1679 1669 1429 1557 1641 1623 1303 1619 1667 1563 1600 1665 RFC1918 11 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 157209 155741 139012 149125 154497 151317 91793 151987 151416 149783 150137 152076 AS number distributions wrt RIR and single-homed/multi-homed. o ASes per RIR region RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 ARIN 10416 10390 9895 266 10358 10343 6671 10321 10288 10277 10251 10313 APNIC 2123 2123 2045 38 2110 2100 1676 2094 2091 2073 2070 2094 RIPE NCC 5963 5945 5179 2399 5951 5929 5440 5897 5928 5920 5909 5942 LACNIC 69 69 63 6 68 69 57 69 65 65 65 65 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 34 25 12 2 24 12 17 10 16 7 12 17 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 18605 18552 17194 2711 18511 18453 13861 18391 18388 18342 18307 18431 o Number of single-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 ARIN 3146 3598 4511 157 3359 4809 2166 6336 4514 5437 6043 4336 APNIC 604 675 866 29 654 955 620 1202 862 1032 976 870 RIPE NCC 1662 2018 2029 1400 1850 2607 2048 3545 2306 2738 3176 2260 LACNIC 28 29 29 6 29 34 27 40 31 34 37 31 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 27 21 10 0 20 10 12 8 13 4 8 12 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 5467 6341 7445 1592 5912 8415 4873 11131 7726 9245 10240 7509 o Number of multi-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 ARIN 7270 6792 5384 109 6999 5534 4505 3985 5774 4840 4208 5977 APNIC 1519 1448 1179 9 1456 1145 1056 892 1229 1041 1094 1224 RIPE NCC 4301 3927 3150 999 4101 3322 3392 2352 3622 3182 2733 3682 LACNIC 41 40 34 0 39 35 30 29 34 31 28 34 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 7 4 2 2 4 2 5 2 3 3 4 5 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 13138 12211 9749 1119 12599 10038 8988 7260 10662 9097 8067 10922 Distribution of AS number wrt Leaf, Transit. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 Leaf 15385 15446 14295 1993 15372 15484 11044 15728 15489 15479 15562 15418 Transit 3101 2990 2684 513 3018 2855 2448 2577 2794 2764 2655 2901 Transit-only 119 116 215 205 121 114 369 86 105 99 90 112 Total 18605 18552 17194 2711 18511 18453 13861 18391 18388 18342 18307 18431 o Average ASPATH length. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc10 rrc11 rrc12 Avg 6.59 6.38 6.17 5.55 6.65 6.21 6.60 6.10 6.90 6.14 5.81 6.58 Std 3.18 2.91 2.96 2.97 3.18 2.88 3.20 2.42 3.38 2.69 2.51 3.22 o List of martians appearing throughout the week. Prefix Origin AS 8608 9982 8608 8608 8608 8608 8608 13182 8608 7497 30893 o List of hot-spots during the week. Prefix Origin AS Number of updates 21086 703109 19071 353285 6730 346226 14359 298847 33045 175988 33045 172585 15084 146111 21617 130190 21617 130190 21617 130103 Total number of RIS BGP peering sessions: 430