* * * D R A F T * * * Minutes of the Routing Working Group held at RIPE 46, Amsterdam, Tuesday, 2nd & Wednesday, 3rd September 2003 Session 1: * Administrativia (Joao Damas) Chair: Joao Damas Scribe: James Aldridge, RIPE NCC Minutes from R45: Circulated a few days ago; no comments -> approved! Actions from R45: None * RPSLng Update (Joao Damas) - New draft (draft-blunk-rpslng-01.txt); includes input from previous discussions. Last Call went out last week. Next stage, if approved, is to ask IESG to move this document to "Proposed Standard". * Bidirectional Forwarding Detector (Dave Ward, Cisco) BFD: Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Dave Katz, Juniper; Dave Ward, Cisco "Forwarding Plane Failover Detection" Internet Drafts: draft-katz-ward-bfd-01.txt draft-katz-ward-bfd-v4v6-1hop-00.txt Email list: rtg-bfd@ietf.org Questions: "What's vendor response like?" Very good; under pressure to get this implemented quickly. Cisco, Juniper + some switch vendors working on it! "If running over unencrypted tunnels, does discriminator give enough info to demux and authenticate packet?" No; can be spoofed!. * Geographical aggregation for multihoming in IPv6 (Iljitsch van Beijnum) http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-46/presentations/ ripe4 6-routing-geo-aggregation.pdf (update since RIPE-44 & Vienna IETF) - proposed interim solution for IPv6 multihoming - provider internal Questions: "Address allocations per ISP?" No; allocated globally. Session 2: * RIS Update (Matthew Williams, RIPE NCC) http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-46/presentations/ ripe46-ro uting-ris.pdf Questions: "myASn: exact match only or more specific too?" More specific too (with exception capabilities in beta version). "myASn: just 'my' ASn or 'somebody else's' ASn too?" Any AS. * Verification of Zebra as a BGP Measurement Instrument (Hong Wei Kong; presented by Lance Tatman, Agilent Labs) http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-46/presentations/ ripe46-r outing-zebra-bgp.pdf Hong Wei Kong Questions: "When will 'recording tool' be ready?" At least 6 months until beta... "Will 'recording tool' allow playback?" (feature request) "What outstanding Zebra bugs?" Zebra should separate receiving and dumping threads; general structural problem within Zebra. Feedback required on demand for a route recorder. * Comparative analysis of BGP update metrics (Alex Tudor, Agilent Labs) http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-46/presentations/ ripe46-r outing-bgp-metrics.pdf Overview of math on OHP: - Quantile-quantile plots - Cross-correlation No questions following presentation * The Netlantis Project (Pascal Gloor, Philippe Bourcier) http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-46/presentations/ ripe46 -routing-netlantis.pdf "real-time" only, no historical data * Any Other Business Question to the Routing WG from MCI regarding routing setups. In particular, as a global ISP using data from the RIPE database and other registries. - Inconsistant info in different registries - Can't determine which is correct - What to tell customers - where to store data - US data in European database? - Auto-generated router setups - What is the position of RIPE / other areas Shane Kerr, RIPE NCC: RIPE Routing Registry has no geographical restrictions but provides authentication for local assignments only. RIPE NCC can't require registration; only provides the tool. Suggest RIPE document on how to use routing registry. Routing Registry Consistency Checking (RRCC) - live bgp data (from RIS project) compared against routing registry - 40% of RR objects not announced. Tools to show those route objects so users can delete them. Is anyone using auto-generated config from the routing registry without manual checking? Input requested from wg.