On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 4:09 AM Job Snijders via routing-wg < routing-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Hi all,
It might be the case that the vulnerability is in the realm of disagreement with some design choices of the past, rather than a traditional CVE hole in one or more software packages.
I'd certainly hope that it isn't that you can just spoof the valid origin AS... I recently had someone come to me with this *shocking* discovery and ask about how to disclose it. This was the same person who alerted me to the also *shocking* discovery that longest-match wins, and so just twiddling local-pref doesn't save you. W
I found the following paper which touches upon the “assumed trust” aspect of RPKI in the relationship between Relaying Party and Trust Anchor(s).
I’m very interested in discussion about cross-signing schemes.
Kind regards,
Job --
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-- Perhaps they really do strive for incomprehensibility in their specs. After all, when the liturgy was in Latin, the laity knew their place. -- Michael Padlipsky