[routing-wg]Routing WG Charter revisited
All, The current charter of the RIPE routing working group is fairly narrow and outdated: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/routing/index.html Specifically, "The group exchanges information about various Routing Registries. It is concerned with the growth of the routing tables on the Internet and started an effort to decrease their size in Europe." To start off your thought process here are a few points we believe the working group could think about - Evolution of the routing tables, for IPv4 and IPv6 - Dissemination of information on advances in routing (this is what most talks end up being about) - Work on BCP recommendations as appropriate to the current network - Discussion of interactions between RIR policies and procedures and Routing For the last point we are thinking about subjects like how is the new RIR CA project going to afffect ISPs, etc Opinions are most welcome. All the best Rob, Joao, Joachim
participants (1)
Joao Damas